About us
Welcome to the NovaBiotec-Webpage!
We are happy to present you our company and portfolio on our webpage. Have a look and inform yourself about our services.
You are welcome to contact us via phone or email.
Nehmen Sie Kontakt auf
Hazardous Substances
Mr. T. zur Horst-Meyer (Dipl.-Ing.)
Waste Management
Heatlth and Safety Coordinator
Phone Ext.: -422
Ms. C. Quandt
Mold & Dry Rot, Hygiene Control in Ventilation & AC Technology
Phone Ext.: -413
Mr. Y. Igde
Project Assistant
Phone Ext.: -417
In our network called Gesunder Lebensraum experts from different fields focus on the topic of sustainable and healthy work and living spaces.
Our expertise covers building physics, structural design, analyzing hazardous substances as well as the remediation of polluted areas according to applicable laws and rules.

The Haus- und Grundbesitzerverein von 1887 Berlin-Steglitz e.V. advises owners, private landlords and property managers in everything about their properties. It supports its members in tasks like bills of utility costs, rent increase or modernizations. The association’s counselling team will answer your questions. Moreover, the association offers several educational trainings. Use this opportunity to inform yourself about the latest changes and innovations. The Haus- und Grundbesitzverein von 1887 Berlin-Steglitz e.V. has a broad network of partners and specialists that can help you with very specific inquiries.
Asbesthaltige Bremsbeläge in Aufzugsanlagen
Erschienen in “Gebäudeschadstoffe und Innenraumluft” 02.2018.
Erste umfangreiche Auswertung von Kontroll-messungen nach VDI 3492 bei Arbeiten geringer Exposition zur Fußbodensanierung in Berlin
Auszug aus “Gefahrstoffe Reinhaltung der Luft” 10/2017
Schwammbekämpfung versus Denkmalschutz? Sanierung im Gutshaus Staffelde
Auszug aus “Bausubstanz” 09/2017
Schloss Cecilienhof – nachhaltige und denkmalgerechte Sanierung des hölzernen Dachtragsystems
Auszug aus “Bausubstanz” 09/2016
Forms / Order Sheet
Order Sheet for Sample Delivery (German)