Construction Management
When we find hazardous substances and their sources, we develop practical renovation concepts – and support you further during renovation.
We plan and manage all necessary measures that need to be done according to the situation and conditions on site.
NovaBiotec supervises and guides the renovation. At the end, we conduct the success monitoring with the help of visual inspections and analytical measurements.
Our Services Include:

The technical specifications include e.g.:
- Building Site Facilities (Security Door System, Equipment)
- Site Logistics (Refurbishment Sectors, Container Areas)
- Working Techniques (Low-Dust and Low-Emission)
- Health and Safety Measures (PPE, Vacuum Regulator)
- Waste Management (Hazardous and Non-Hazardous Waste)
- Inspection and Approval
Planning and Estimating Costs
Detailed planning and realistic cost estimations are the base for successful and efficient renovation measures. Technical and contract specifications as well as precise cost calculations can be done in close cooperation with the principal.
We also support the principal with the tender, its vetting (technically and monetary), bidder meetings and contract awarding.
Site Management
In the course of the site management, we regularly check and document the compliance with legal requirements during the renovation of hazardous substances. This includes the implementation of technical and organizational measures.
During demolition, a clean separation of the different types of waste fractions has to be ensured. Due to our experience in the field of renovation, possible problems can be solved in a pragmatic way and in close cooperation with all stakeholders. Good communication between the operating and affected people (e.g. tenants) is a key to a satisfying building process.
Precise time and cost control during processing supplements or managing changes on site are part of our work. Our maxim: thorough, pragmatic, experienced.
During works in contaminated construction areas, it is necessary to remove or minimize the hazard for employees and the environment due to hazardous substances. For this, the principal needs to deploy a coordinator according to DGUV 101-004 (former BGR 128).
The coordinator according to DGUV 101-004 resp. TRGS 524 advises and supports the principal resp. the site manager with the necessary documents, communicating with controlling authorities as well as with the implementation and the documentation of the restructuring measures (incl. the removal of hazardous substances).
The Tasks of a Coordinator Include:
- Required Notifications for Authorities
- Hazard Analysis
- Health and Safety Plans
- Operating Instructions
- Monitoring of Renovation Companies incl. Documentation (Occupational Medical Examinations, Technical Equipment, Qualifications etc.)
- Trainings
- Monitoring and Documentation of Renovation Work